Thursday 8 May 2014

Tutorial: Fan Art, Sasuke Sketch

Here is a sketch of a popular character from the anime Naruto, the character's name is Sasuke. Now with Sasuke, his main attributes are his unique hair and eyes, those two things are what make him recognizable. Here the artist has sketched a good representation of Sasuke's ruffled hair combined with his unique eyes. The art style of the anime Naruto keeps the hair and the nose fairly flat in terms of shading. Whereas the eyes become more detailed depending on the expressions that are made. Now drawing this style requires a good amount of accuracy with your lines, as this style keeps shading to a minimum and only uses precise lines to determine shapes and how they are positioned as well as depth.

To create accurate fan art on the character Sasuke, you're going to need to understand how his hair and eyes looks at different angles. This depends on whether you're copying an image or creating your own drawing from scratch. If you are copying an image make sure you start copying it from a point that can be used to help judge proportions from. An example of this is starting from any facial feature, if you're drawing the lips then you can understand how large those lips are compared to the eyes and the same goes for other elements of the face. I don't suggest starting from the hood of the drawing above unless you are experience at drawing this particular anime style, as the hood is difficult to recreate perfectly as you don't have anything to judge the proportions of it when you're starting from nothing.

Feel free to post your outcome in the comment section below, have fun!

Artist: Dam-El
Picture retrieved from: Sasuke sketch!

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