Thursday 1 May 2014

Tutorial: Rough Human Face, Hugh Laurie

This portrait is more rough then all the other ones I have showcased, but with this roughness it adds a rugged effect as well as a sense of movement. The person the artist was representing has slight differences to the drawing and can be a bit difficult to recognize, the only way to create recognizable drawings is to keep practicing drawing. Then each time you start trying to draw a celebrity for example, try set yourself small goals such as perfecting the eyes. Anyway this drawing looks to be a fairly quick sketch. To create this you want to just draw without worrying how perfect your lines are, then at the end you can edit them as well as add some more shading. You have to try and free up your hand and try to sketch quickly as you constantly switch back and forth from what you're drawing to your paper. Don't worry about the messiness since that adds to the rugged effect, and creates that sense of movement I was talking about.

You could also try setting a time limit for how long you have to draw any image. For example, try to only take 3 minutes to get all the basic outlines for the drawing above and see how you go. This way it forces you to rush, which distracts your mind from caring about the accuracy of your lines. Now if you're still a beginner at rough sketches don't expect your sketches to be very accurate, it may take a couple of tries to get used to how fast or how messy your lines should be to create a nice rugged drawing.

Feel free to post your outcome in the comment section below, have fun!

Artist: Shadowfangs99
Picture retrieved from: My sketch of Hugh Laurie as House M.D

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