Saturday 10 May 2014

Tutorial: Humans, Eyes

Since eyes are such a important piece in terms of recognizing people in drawings, I wanted to create a tutorial just focused on eyes. Now the eye here is drawn from a lower angle and the pupil is looking upwards, although this is a more rare angle to draw an eye from, it helps you understand the lines of the eye. What separates the good eyes from the bad, is how the small rim of the eye is shaded. As you can see the rim of the eye is the small gap between the eyelashes and the eyeball and runs on along the lower edge of the eyeball. Since it's such a small area of the eye it is hard to apply correct shading to it, but when it is done correctly as shown above with the tiny specks of white, it creates another layer of depth to the eye.

Another thing that is important when drawing an eye is understanding the shading of the pupil and the eye ball itself. The pupil of the eye will always have some specks of light hitting it, so it's important to keep those areas of the pupil white, you can do this by making a light outline of where the light hits the pupil then never drawing within that outline. The eyeball itself must be shaded so it looks like a ball, as shown above by the direction of the lines used while shading it. Drawing the eyelid groove is another small thing that can help create a more realistic eye.

Now the eyelashes here are slightly exaggerated at the upper eye, but they still carry the same drawing technique. When you draw eyelashes you want to draw them quickly and with some curve to them, almost like you're drawing the curves of a circle. You draw the eyelashes quickly to help make them look natural otherwise they would look rigid if too much time is spent on them. You also draw the eyebrows with speed to help them look natural too, except the curve of the line is less angled compared to the eyelashes.

Anyway feel free to post your outcome in the comment section below, have fun!

Artist: 0ptimistprime
Picture retrieved from: Quick late night eye study

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